Tuesday, December 16, 2008

no snow on Brown

I was really hoping to see some snow on Brown this morning – from a distance, of course. It was 40 degrees at home (at 580 feet elevation) this morning at 8am. I went on a quick, cold ride up around the Rose Bowl to get a good view of Brown and the surrounding mountains - no snow on Brown - I was a bit surprised by that. We got 2.5 inches of rain here yesterday and the peak of Brown is nearly 4000 feet higher in elevation. There was, however, snow on a lot of the surrounding peaks, Wilson, Baldy, etc. Snow level was probably down to about 4500 feet or lower. The peak of Brown is at 4466 (compared to about 3000 feet at the top of the Brown Mtn. Fire Road that I ride) so it was probably getting some snow last night or the night before which melted with the return of the sun this morning. There’s more cold rain forecast for tonight so maybe there’s still a chance for snow on Brown, although the chances of an actual snow ride are always very, very, very low here – it’s never happened for me, but maybe one day…


shawnkielty said...

Snow is 100 feet here -- and it's cold ... Brrr.

shawnkielty said...

Really chilly.

shawnkielty said...

Ummm ... 1000 ft.

mindful mule said...

Wow, 1000 feet is a very low snow level so close to the ocean - sounds cold. Is there snow on the west side of the bay, too - what do you call that... the peninsula?

mindful mule said...

Some snow on Brown this morning - just on the flat-topped peak/ridge/4466 - tried to photo from town but camera whack.

shawnkielty said...

Yes -- it's the peninsula. There was snow on King's Mountain and other high poibnts along skyline.

Tonight it's raining again -- but not so cold.