Sunday, November 2, 2008

open season

Living in the Los Angeles vicinity I’ve never heard anyone mention hunting season (or hunting for that matter) and I’ve never seen hunters “in the woods”… until today. It being Sunday morning, I was on the bike about to head up to Brown (of course). Just beyond the trailhead I noticed a guy heading towards me on the trail dressed in full camouflage gear. He was pushing a bike along next to him and he had a bunch of stuff with him. I figured he’d been out bike camping. Just as we crossed paths, though, I took one last look and suddenly saw a deer head and antlers resting on the handlebars. The deer was straddling the top tube.

I have never seen anything like this in this area before but I guess for every several thousand walkers and runners and hikers, it seems reasonable to see about one hunter.

The next several people I saw on the trail seemed to be a little shaken up – I guess for many people a dead deer is the ultimate buzz kill. I stopped to fill my water bottle and a walker was asking me if I’d seen “the deer” and if it was legal to hunt here. She wanted to call the authorities. She was rather upset. I looked it up when I got home and apparently hunting is legal in the Angeles National Forest during hunting season – whenever that is - right now, I guess…


shawnkielty said...

I see you've read Bernd Heinreich. He's the world authority on Raven behavior, from what I understand. I read his "Mind of the Raven" coz I used to have a pet crow. It's interesting.

mindful mule said...

Thanks Shawn. I gave that book a try, on your suggestion, a few months ago. I think I got about 50 pages into it or so. I thought it was a good book and solid, but one really has to be into ravens to keep powering through. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, I like ravens and all, but… Maybe I’ll give it another try over the winter – it seems more like a winter book to me.

amidnightrider said...

There seems to be an inordinate amount of hunters getting shot this year around here.

Some tend shoot anything that moves.

I have been told how expensive it is to dress, cut up and pack a deer. Seems like an awful lot of money to spend try to go natural.

mindful mule said...

Midnight Rider: interesting point about the cost of getting the deer from field to fridge. I'd never really thought about that. I guess one could save by doing it themselves, but that would make for one very messy garage.