Friday, May 11, 2007

Moon Shoon

Here's a shot of my favorite new moon shoes. They're so awesome. I took them out on a quick ride last night to test them out and I have to say that I love 'em. My last pair of clipless shoes are about 10 years old and for some reason I was under the impression that when you wear cycling shoes they shoe be tight and uncomfortable, like rock climbing shoes, but now in my older wisdom I'm realizing a few things. One of these things is that one should wear shoes that fit well and comfortably. I mean, what's the point have having cramped up and cold feet when you're trying to enjoy a ride or a rock or whatever? So, I'm excited about these shoes - I like shoes, I guess. Can't wait to take them up to meet Brown Mtn. this weekend.

Thurs. Log:
Run: 7 (Suicide Bridge, as usual)
Bike: 7 (to the pub)
Guinness: 4 (proper pints)

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

I saw you on flat tire paradise blog. This blogging can become very fanatical. Keep posting, I be checking in to watch your progress and keep informed about the left coast.

See you around.