Sunday, June 10, 2007

week in review – 061007

run 42* = 12+7+9+7+7
bike 44 = 7+3+5+7+15+7
drinks 15 – a notch down from last week
burritos 4 - mmmmm
car zero (not much to improve upon there)

* probably the most I’ve run in a five day period. my seven day record is 49 (7x7), so if I continue the same pace for the next two days I could push that envelope, but I may back off a bit. Hilary is going strong with her goal of four bridge runs in a row (9+7+7+?). Nice work!


shawnkielty said...

Nice Tallies.

amidnightrider said...

Nice stats on the fitness stuff.

The drinks could use some work. 15 should be closer to a weekend, than a weeklong total. Keep working at it. 8>)

mindful mule said...

Thanks for the support guys - it feels good.