Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Ride Highlights

Mountain: Brown (of course)

Trail conditions: excellent traction from recent rain, the red (iron?) in the soil is a lot more visible when it’s wet. A few good sized land/rockslides across the trail.

Plant: Lotus scoparius. I noticed these on yesterday’s run, too. They’re looking really green and healthy. No flowers on them yet, but soon…

Flower: Ribes (delicate pink and white bells – maybe this one) and lots of white Ceanothus (mountain lilac), too.

People: The elderly (75?) hiking couple with good-old-fashioned leather boots with red laces, walking sticks, wool caps, and thick Alps-origin accents to match. Also, saw Speedy Gonzales, bombing his way down the trail – haven’t seen him in a few months, at least. Somehow I always see him in almost the exact same place on the trail…

Post ride snack: Giant slice of chocolate cake leftover from Hilary’s sister’s birthday party. Yum.

Fairly cold up there today - 49 at the start up to 59 and the end – a few sunny patches, but mostly cloudy.

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